Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit a short?

You can either download a submission form or pick up a form from the Madoc Public Library, Marmora & Lake Public Library, Stirling Public Library or Trent Hills Public Library. You can submit your film via email ( or drop off it off on a USB stick with a completed form at one of the participating libraries. Submissions are open now and close on September 5 2024 at 8:00 p.m.

I don’t live in the communities mentioned, can I still enter a short?

No. The Small Town Shorts Film Festival is only accepting submissions from residents of Madoc, Marmora & Lake, Stirling-Rawdon, and Trent Hills at this time.

I have an Idea but don’t know where to start. What should I do?

Drop in to one of the programs the libraries are offering to learn about the festival and for tips on how to make your own. A schedule of programs is available under the heading Learning on this website. Or, stop by your local library and ask how they can help.